科 系:|人工智能系|
导 师:博士生导师/硕士研究生导师
基本情况: 梁小朋,男,博士。
2023.1-至今 海南大学太阳成集团tyc7111cc 副教授
2021.6-2022.12 海南大学太阳成集团tyc7111cc 讲师
2016.9-2021.6 北京邮电大学太阳成集团tyc7111cc 博士
[1] 国家自然科学基金地区基金, 2023.1-2026.12,主持;
[2] 海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目,2022.3-2024.3,主持;
[3] 海南大学科研启动基金,2021.11-2025.11,主持;
[4] 江西省教育厅科技项目, 2018.1-2020.12, 主持;
[5] 海南省重大科技计划项目, 2021.1-2023.12, 参与;
[6] 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,2023.1-2026.12,参与;
[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2019.1-2022.12, 参与;
[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2018.1-2021.12, 参与;
[9] 国家自然科学基金(海外合作项目), 2017.1-2019.12, 参与;
[10] 江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目, 2017.01-2018.12, 参与;
[11] 海南省重点研发计划,2024.1-2026.12, 参与;
[1] Xiaopeng Liang, Liangji huang, Qian Deng*, F. Shu, Guangcheng Yu, and J. Wang. IRS-Assisted Spectrum Sensing and Primary-Secondary Transmission for Cognitive Radio Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. 2024. 9 (SCI期刊,中国科学院分区1区Top期刊,IF: 7.4)
[2] Xiaopeng Liang, Zhi Zhang, Qian Deng*, F. Shu, Shihao Liu, and J. Wang. Joint Trajectory and Primary-Secondary Transmission Design for UAV-Carried-IRS Assisted Underlay CR Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2024.7 (SCI期刊,中国科学院分区2区Top期刊,IF: 6.1)
[3] Qian Deng, Guangcheng Yu, Xiaopeng Liang*, F. Shu and J. Wang. Joint Trajectory, Sensing and Transmission Design for IRS-Assisted Cognitive UAV Systems [J]. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 2023.10. (SCI期刊,中国科学院分区2区,IF: 6.3)
[4] Q. Deng, G. Yu, X. Liang*, F. Shu and J. Wang, “IRS-Assisted Cognitive UAV Networks: Joint Sensing Duration, Passive Beamforming and Three-Dimensional Location Optimization,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.8. (SCI期刊, 中国科学院分区1区Top期刊, IF: 10.238).
[5] Q. Deng, X. Chen, X. Liang*, F. Shu, J. Du, G. Yu and J. Wang, “Adaptive Beam Alignment and Optimization for IRS-Aided High-Speed UAV Communications,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2023 (SCI期刊, 中国科学院分区2区, IF: 4.8).
[6] Xiaopeng Liang, Qian Deng*, Feng Shu, Yijian Wang. “Energy-efficiency Joint Trajectory and Resource Allocation Optimization in Cognitive UAV Systems”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2022 (SCI期刊,中科院分区1区Top期刊,IF: 10.238)
[7] Xiaopeng Liang, Wenjun Xu*, Hui Gao, Miao Pan, Jiaru Lin, Qian Deng, and Ping Zhang. Throughput Optimization for Cognitive UAV Networks: A Three-Dimensional-Location- Aware Approach [J]. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 2020.7.(SCI期刊,中科院分区2区,IF: 5.281)
[8] Qian Deng, Xiaopeng Liang*, Qiang Ni, Jinsong Wu, “Efficient Matrix Polynomial Expansion Detector for Large-scale MIMO: An Inverse-Transform-Sampling Approach”. IEEE Systems Journal [J]. 2022.5. (SCI期刊,中科院分区2区,IF: 4.802)
[9] Xuehui Wang; Feng Shu*; Weiping Shi; Xiaopeng Liang*; Rongen Dong; Jun Li; Jiangzhou Wang; “Beamforming Design for IRS-Aided Decode-and-Forward Relay Wireless Network”, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2022.2. (SCI期刊,IF: 3.525)
[10] Qian Deng; Xuehui Chen; Wanting Fu; Xiaopeng Liang*; ShilongXie; Feng Shu; Yuanyuan Wu;“Improved Approximate Expectation Propagation Massive MIMO Detector with Second-Order Richardson”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022.1. (SCI期刊,中科院分区4区,IF: 2.146)
[11] Xiaopeng Liang, Qian Deng*, Jiaru Lin, Mengxing Huang, “Joint Trajectory Optimization and Spectrum Access for Cognitive UAV Networks,” IEEE Access, 2020.(SCI期刊,中科院分区2区,IF: 3.75)
[12] Qian Deng, Xiaopeng Liang*,
Xianpeng Wang, Mengxing Huang, Chao Dong, Yufang Zhang. “Fast Converging Iterative Precoding for Massive MIMO Systems: An Accelerated Weighted Neumann Series-Steepest Descent Approach”. IEEE Access.2020. (SCI期刊,中科院分区2区,IF: 3.75)
[13] Xiaopeng Liang, Wenjun Xu*, Miao Pan, Qian Deng, Jiaru Lin, Capacity Enhancement for Energy-Harvesting Cognitive Radio Networks: A NOMA-Enabled Joint Design [C], IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Marrakesh, Morocco, 2019: 1-5.(EI检索)
[14] Xiaopeng Liang, Qian Deng*, Fang Yang, Throughput Optimization Based on Simultaneously Decoding and Accessing in Cognitive NOMA System [C], IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Beijin, China, 2018:694-698 (EI检索).
[15] Qian Deng, Shilong
Xie, Chaotian Lu, Xiaopeng Liang*, Qiyin Wang, Cong Li, Xuehui Chen, A Metropolis-Hasting- Sampling Approach for Precoding in Downlink Massive MIMO Systems [C], IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), Nanjing, China,2021: 1-5 (EI检索).
[16] Qian Deng*, Li Guo, Chao Dong, Xiaopeng Liang, Jiaru Lin, Hybrid Iterative Updates Detection Scheme for Uplink Dynamic Multiuser Massive MIMO Systems [C], IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom),Singapore, December, 2018:1-6.(EI检索).
[17] Qian Deng, Xiaopeng Liang*, Yufang Zhang, Fast Updates and High Parallelism Precoding for Downlink Large-scale MIMO Systems[C], IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Chiang Rai, Thailand,2018:1-6 (EI检索).
[18] Fan Yang, Wenjun Xu*, Xiaopeng Liang, Jiaru Lin, Joint Energy Flow and Time Duration Optimization for Harvested Energy Driven WPCN [C], IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom), Singapore, December, 2017: 1-6.(EI检索)
[19] 梁小朋, 黄冰, 王涛,等. 全光网络中攻击定位和恢复算法的研究与仿真[J]. 发光学报, 2009, (EI检索)